Living out of a suitcase

This saying usually applies to people who left their homes for a more “bohemian” lifestyle where they travel the world with all there minimal belongings packed in backpack or even a wagon.. But this also applies to me -or used to- as I used to live in my home while keeping almost all my belongings in boxes!

I don’t know why? but I caught myself once thinking that I need to gather certain items (I can’t remember what they were anymore) in a box so that it would be easier for me to grab them and just go! Once this thought came to me it hit me like a bus! “Go where? I don’t plan on traveling anytime soon! And this is my HOME I’m living in.. not some sort of temporary lodging?!! Why the hell am I thinking that I would need to pack and GO!”
I then realized that I lived my whole life haunted by this idea! As a kid I used to grab my lunch box, put my favorite toys in it and my dad’s compass (!!!) and wait to leave.. Leave to where? Why? With whom? I had no idea.

I decided to be rational and stop these silly illogical thoughts.. I went back to my drawers and started “unpacking” my stuff, took them out of the boxes, and put them directly into the drawers… But the minute I started doing this I felt uncomfortable.. I felt that something is wrong.. I felt that it is not natural to me to put my stuff directly into the drawers.. I should keep them in their “movable” boxes… I admit it took me a brief moment to chase this feeling way.. But I was surprised that I had a hard time doing it for a while, maybe because I was making a change to my “lifestyle”..
Eventually I pulled it off.. Put everything in the drawers, I still keep some boxes but for organizational purposes only, to separate items and organize them, not for “mobility” purposes..

But this experience made me wonder… Why was I doing this? Is it the traveler spirit trapped in me since I was a kid? Or is it the idea that I don’t really “belong”?
I love traveling, but I also love the feeling that I have a permanent home to go back to after an adventure..
So.. Why?

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