
Since I started my journey to convert back to my natural hair I have been obsessing over going natural with just about everything! I’ve never been the kind of girl who cares much about hair and beauty and skin and all that, and I always saw it as a huge scam from the big companies wanting to sell us products completely un-natural to mask our real faces with, just for them to make big money, but since I found that we can indeed take care of ourselves in natural ways I started paying more attention to my skin care and my hair care. I’m ageing. My eyes’ wrinkles are getting worse, the grey is invading my head, and I never liked the idea that I ‘should’ dye my hair as my colleagues keep on insisting that I should (it became really annoying!) But maybe it’s time to pay a little attention to this.

Couple of weeks ago I was introduced to something called the “oil cleansing method” for the face, I’ve been trying it and I’m not sure if it works well for me yet, but I enjoy giving it a try using all natural products.. I don’t buy my products from big companies, as I mentioned in a previous post, sometimes when we seek conversion to nature we tend to do it in totally un-natural ways.. So I only get my products from the traditional Egyptian shops that we call the “herbs men” shops, they have all kind of herbs and spices and cold pressed raw oils completely natural without a drop of artificial stuff in it, I also know a local Egyptian brand or two really famous for their natural products, these are my only sources for products. No big companies, no big names, no products that I cannot understand their ingredients.

The thing is, I found myself actually enjoying the process like a 17-year-old would! I don’t like makeup, I never did and I never will, and for years that what skincare meant for me: makeup and then products to counter the bad effects of makeup! And I thought to myself “I don’t need any of these stuff because I don’t wear makeup”.. Sure occasionally I would grab a cream or tow and use it as ‘night cream’, but not really out of necessity, but more like I wanted to “feel” what other women would do! I mean, after all this is what women do, right? But now I like the fact that I can take care of my skin as I discovered that there is much more to taking care of myself than I thought, and that skincare in particular is not what I thought as well..

I don’t know where this process is taking me, I don’t even know if I’m doing it right, and I sure hope I’m not going down the wrong road there, but I know that I am enjoying it.. There is so much out there to learn so much to try, it feels overwhelming sometimes, and I don’t want to go crazy over this but, I’m in my mid 30’s and I need to feel that I am taking care of myself.. Of course this realization is coming very late, I am already ageing fast (I started having grey hair when I turned 29) and it will get worse living in pollution and stress, but I don’t mind.. Now is the good time to start.

I’m not looking for staying forever young, I don’t want to.. I never even liked the idea that I should color my grey hairs and hide my wrinkles under thick layers of makeup. But I do intend on ‘aging gracefully’ and naturally, this is my real goal.. Hoping that mother nature will be kind to me and gives me her gifts that will help me be as natural as I can in my life journey till its very end..

Aging is not a bad thing.. I like it.. I like how it changes my perspectives in life (this is another story coming soon).. But I need to make sure that while ageing, my appearance reflects my heart, and I believe my heart is ‘natural’, so shall be my face.

Peace out.

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