We’re Moving 3: The Countdown and Change of Tools

This is how my home looks like now... A huge mess, waiting for the truck to come to pick it all up on Monday. My heart aches still, but I can safely say that I am getting to accept this change more and more by the day. As you probably know I tried to solve …

We’re moving!

We're leaving my childhood home to a new one in the suburbs. I can't say I'm entirely happy with this, I love the place where we live now, it's my favorite part of the city, but it got old and crowded and noisy, and sometimes I feel I don't recognize it anymore. So we're moving …


Since I started my journey to convert back to my natural hair I have been obsessing over going natural with just about everything! I've never been the kind of girl who cares much about hair and beauty and skin and all that, and I always saw it as a huge scam from the big companies …


I heard this on "Grey's Anatomy" long time ago, and it stuck to my mind like glue! "When we say things like ‘People don’t change’ it drives Scientists crazy, because change is literally the only constant in all of Science. Energy, matter, it’s always changing, morphing, merging, growing, dying. It’s the way people try not …