We’re moving!

We’re leaving my childhood home to a new one in the suburbs.

I can’t say I’m entirely happy with this, I love the place where we live now, it’s my favorite part of the city, but it got old and crowded and noisy, and sometimes I feel I don’t recognize it anymore. So we’re moving to a better place -I hope!- where it’s quiet, calm and has more greenery to it.

Leaving my home is not easy at all, I’m a creature of habit, not a fan of change, I love my place, I know it very well, it is close to everything, anything I want is a walking distance from me, whereas our new home is far from everything and it will take me twice the time to reach my work.

With all the stress of the physical moving, decluttering and all, and the emotional baggage it brings, this will be a crazy time in my life. So, as usual, I activated my coping mechanisms -aka making lists- to help me calm down and focus better.

This morning I went for a long walk, then seat down in a quiet cafe with my journal, then I journaled extensively about the stress I’m under and how badly I want to stay! I got it all out of my system then started to think in a more positive way, and made a list of the all the good things that will come out of this move.

I ended up with a huge list of four pages and 50 items, and I surprised myself when I found that some of the items are:

  • This change is a good opportunity to steer the still waters in my life.
  • It is a good milestone in my life’s timeline that will prepare me for a further move I intend to take in a few years (if all goes according to the plan).
  • It gives me something new to look forward to as I have new places to discover.
  • A new family project that -if done correctly- can sure help get us all closer.
  • The best part is the fact that moving to a new place will boost my creativity as I have new locations and schedules, and hence systems, to work with.
  • I also have a very small garden.. very very small, but still… It’s a garden.

So I guess that should help me calm down and get excited about the moving that we should start proceeding with this week.

Finally, I would like to leave a little note for myself:

Remember… Change is the only constant in life. It will happen whether you like it or not, it is part of life. The only thing you can do is to either fight it and give yourself a senseless and useless hard time that hinders you from growing… Or, accept it and see the new opportunities it brings, own it and make it part of your story.

The choice is yours, and yours alone.

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